Yesterday started out (for me) as black as any day I can remember in a long time. I can't explain why I was so down but I struggled through (if you saw the blog from yesterday, you can tell how dark it was inside my head).
A few people helped me along and as I began to shake off the dark, a few more and yet more came along. The day ended on a huge grin and I think the storm clouds were dissipated.
This morning, sitting in my attic office, watching the rain pattering on the window above me, I'm smiling - not like a loon, not yet, but it's getting there.
The fundraising is coming on well (far better than I expected - which was zero) and I have a few more ideas to put into action. Whatever happens this year, whether I get an offer of publication or not, whether I raise all the money we need or not, I know I've turned a corner now. There may be more hazards ahead, more corners, there may be obstacles that I just can't get over, but I'll have to find a way around somehow.
All I know is that friends and people I don't even know well are cheering me on with this, I'm being encouraged rather than criticised for holding out the begging bowl (I was dreading that) and people are travelling this rough and rocky path with me.
Some are even apologising for not helping much. To those I say please don't worry, just share the links and review my books if you've read them, it ALL helps. Every time I see someone has shared a link, I smile and appreciate the gesture. It all helps!
Thank you everyone. I really DO appreciate this, all of it xx
Paypal accepted fundraising
GoFundMe page